Request a project

All projects on SSC are managed by SUPR – the SNIC User and Project Repository.

The PI must be a scientist in Swedish academia, at least at the level of PhD student (doktorand).

SNIC Science Cloud is currently a pilot project and not a production resource.

To apply for a project you need to complete the following steps:

    1. Register a new “Person” in SUPR (only if this is your first SNIC project).
    2. Log into SUPR using your new credentials.
    3. Read the “SNIC guidelines for users”.
    4. Create a project proposal using the round
      SNIC Science Cloud 2019“.
    5. Sign the SNIC User Agreement.

Step 5 is important but easy to forget. Without it your cloud account will not be created.  If you have SWAMID, you can sign the UA directly in the SUPR WebUI. If not, you need to send in the form via regular mail. In that case, please allow for at least a few days to process your request.

Once your project has been approved, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to log in etc.